New Release

  • $3.50

    This is the first time we are offering a rush! It is named for botanist and Cornell professor William Dudley (1849-1911). Features: Great for rain gardens and other moist areas, its medium green stalks are 1-2.5 feet tall. It loves full sun but be aware that it can spread quite…

  • $3.50

    Features: The spiky seed heads of this sedge are a wonderful accent in your sunny rain garden.  It adds interest to the landscape and is a high-value wildlife plant. Sedges are important food sources for herbivorous insects and birds appreciate the seeds. Light: Full sun to light shade Soil: Wet…

  • $3.50

    Features: This prairie plant is happy in dry or gravely soil. Stems and leaves are covered with white hairs, thus its common name. Spikes of tiny purple tubular flowers attract many pollinators, and birds eat and spread the seeds. Many types of insects, including specialists such as the Verbena Bee…

  • $3.50

    Features: Ohio Spiderwort features blue-green grass-like foliage and small clumps of beautiful three-petaled blue-violet (or light violet) flowers.  The flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon sunshine.  On cloudy days the flowers stay open longer.  This plant adapts to a variety of soil conditions: loam, clay, gravel…

  • $3.50

    Features:  “There’s rue for you, and here’s some for me. We may call it ‘herb of grace’ o’ Sundays. Oh, you must wear your rue with a difference. There’s rue for you, and here’s some for me.” — Ophelia in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Rue is a symbol of bitterness and sorrow…

  • $3.50

    Features: This uncommon plant prefers poor soil and does not like competition from taller plants. It has distinctive unlobed leaves. Clusters of tiny yellow flowers attract small spring pollinators, including many types of  native bees and flies. This plant is in the carrot family and, like Golden Alexanders and Heart-leaved…

  • $3.50

    Also known as  Aster novae-angliae. Features: This prairie plant likes quite a bit of sun. Its lavender flowers are larger and more purple than most asters. They provide an attractive nectar source for a range of bees, flies, butterflies and skippers, especially late in the growing season when few other…

  • $3.50

    Features: Early Goldenrod features gracefully arching plumes of small yellow flowers. It is the first goldenrod to bloom in IL with flowering beginning in July and lasting about 1.5 months.  Early goldenrod is adaptable to multiple soil types growing in loam, clay, sand or gravel. This goldenrod can spread by…

  • $4.50

    These are in a 2″ square pot.  Also known as Marsh Phlox Features: Smooth Phlox blooms in clusters of 3-20 pink or lavender flowers atop a stem of narrow leaved foliage.  The fragrant flowers can bloom for 1-2 months beginning in late spring into summer.  Plants grow in full sun…


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